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Word Level TransQuest Architecture

WE have one architecture that is capable of providing word level quality estimation models; MicroTransQuest.

Data Preparation

Please have your data as a pandas dataframe in this format.

source target source_tags target_tags
52 mg wasserfreie Lactose . 52 mg anhydrous lactose . [OK OK OK OK OK] [OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK]
România sanofi-aventis România S.R.L. Sanofi-Aventis România S. R. L. [BAD OK OK OK] [BAD BAD OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK]

Please note that target_tags_column has word level quality labels for gaps in the target too. Therefore, it has 2*N+1 labels, where N is the total number of tokens in the target. For more information please have a look at WMT word level quality estimtion task.

Now, you can consider MicroTransQuest to build the QE model.


The input of this model is a concatenation of the original sentence and its translation, separated by the [SEP] token. As shown in the Figure target sentence contains gaps too. Then the output of the each token is passed through a softmax layer to reflect the quality scores.

MonoTransQuest Architecture

Minimal Start for a MonoTransQuest Model

Initiate and train the model like in the following code. train_df and eval_df are the pandas dataframes prepared with the instructions in Data Preparation section.

from transquest.algo.word_level.microtransquest.run_model import MicroTransQuestModel
import torch

model = MicroTransQuestModel("xlmroberta", "xlm-roberta-large", labels=["OK", "BAD"], use_cuda=torch.cuda.is_available(), args=microtransquest_config)
model.train_model(train_df  , eval_df=eval_df)

An example microtransquest_config is available here.. The best model will be saved to the path specified in the "best_model_dir" in microtransquest_config. Then you can load it and do the predictions like this.

from transquest.algo.word_level.microtransquest.run_model import MicroTransQuestModel

model = MicroTransQuestModel("xlmroberta", microtransquest_config["best_model_dir"], 
                               use_cuda=torch.cuda.is_available() )

sources_tags, targets_tags = model.predict([[source, target]], split_on_space=True)


Now that you know about the word-level architecture in TransQuest, check how we can apply it in WMT QE shared tasks here.