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Word Level Examples

We have provided several examples on how to use TransQuest in recent WMT word-level quality estimation shared tasks. They are included in the repository but are not shipped with the library. Therefore, if you need to run the examples, please clone the repository.


Please don't use the same environment that you used to install TransQuest to run the examples. Create a new environment.

git clone
cd TransQuest
pip install -r requirements.txt

In the examples/word_level folder you will find the following tasks.

WMT 2020 QE Task 2: Word-Level Post-editing Effort

This task consists predicting Word-level quality for a given source and a target. It requires predicting word level quality in source and target as OK, BAD and also the quality of the "gaps" in target as Ok, BAD.

To run the experiments for each language please run this command from the root directory of TransQuest.

python -m examples.word_level.wmt_2020.<language-pair>.<architecture>

Language Pair options : en_zh (English-Chinese), en_de (English-German)

Architecture Options : microtransquest (MicroTransQuest)

As an example to run the experiments on English-Chinese with MicroTransQuwst architecture, run the following command.

python -m examples.word_level.wmt_2020.en_zh.microtransquest


MicroTransQuest architecture in TransQuest outperforms OpenKiwi in all the language pairs.

Language Pair Algorithm Source
F1 Multi
F1 Multi
English-German MicroTransQuest 0.5456 0.6013
OpenKiwi 0.3717 0.4111
English-Chinese MicroTransQuest 0.4440 0.6402
OpenKiwi 0.3729 0.5583

WMT 2019 QE Task 2: Word-Level QE

The participating systems are expected to predict the Word-level quality for a given source and a target.

To run the experiments for each language, please run this command from the root directory of TransQuest.

python -m examples.sentence_level.wmt_2019.<language-pair>.<architecture>

Language Pair options : en_ru (English-Russian)

Architecture Options : microtransquest (MicroTransQuest)

As an example to run the experiments on English-Russian with MicroTransQuest architecture, run the following command.

python -m examples.word_level.wmt_2019.en_ru.microtransquest


MicroTransQuest architecture in TransQuest outperforms OpenKiwi in En-Ru.

Language Pair Algorithm Source
F1 Multi
F1 Multi
English-Russian MicroTransQuest 0.5543 0.5592
OpenKiwi 0.2647 0.2412

WMT 2018 QE Task 2: Word-Level QE

The participating systems are expected to predict the Word-level quality for a given source and a target.

To run the experiments for each language, please run this command from the root directory of TransQuest. If both NMT and SMT is available for a certain language pair, specify that too.

python -m examples.word_level.wmt_2019.<language-pair>.<nmt/smt><architecture>

Language Pair options : en_de (English-German) (both NMT and SMT), en_lv(English-Latvian) (both NMT and SMT), en_cs(English-Czech), de_en

Architecture Options : microtransquest (MicroTransQuest)

As an example to run the experiments on English-Latvian NMT with MicroTransQuest architecture, run the following command.

python -m examples.word_level.wmt_2018.en_lv.nmt.microtransquest

To run the English-Czech experiments with MicroTransQuest architecture,, run the following command

python -m examples.word_level.wmt_2018.en_cs.microtransquest


MicroTransQuest architecture in TransQuest outperforms Marmot in all the language pairs.

Language Pair Algorithm Source
F1 Multi
F1 Multi
F1 Multi
English-German (NMT) MicroTransQuest 0.2957 0.4421 0.1672
Marmot 0.0000 0.1812 0.0000
English-German (SMT) MicroTransQuest 0.5269 0.6348 0.4927
Marmot 0.0000 0.3630 0.0000
English-Latvian (NMT) MicroTransQuest 0.4880 0.5868 0.1664
Marmot 0.0000 0.4208 0.0000
English-Latvian (SMT) MicroTransQuest 0.4945 0.5939 0.2356
Marmot 0.0000 0.3445 0.0000
English-Czech MicroTransQuest 0.5327 0.6081 0.2018
Marmot 0.0000 0.4449 0.0000
German-English MicroTransQuest 0.4824 0.6485 0.4203
Marmot 0.0000 0.4373 0.0000


Please note that in WMT 2018 the organisers evaluated the gaps and the words in MT separately. This is different from WMT 2019 and WMT 2020.


Please note that the baseline used in WMT 2018; Marmot does not support predicting quality for words in source and gaps in target. Hence, those values are set to 0.0000 in all the language pairs.


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